AmigaOS3.5 (794/967)

From:Duane A. Miller
Date:24 May 2000 at 01:24:36
Subject:Re: Digest Number 353

Hello Jon,

I'm using StudioPro with my Epson 440 and I have no problem like that. I print
from PageStream 3.1 quite often and SP works just fine with it. I'm using an
A1200 030.

On 23-May-00, you wrote:

>Hi , Hello
>Hi , *********************************
>Hi ,> Message: 5
>Hi ,> Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 08:54:26 -0000
>Hi ,> From: "fisk fiskarsson" <>
>Hi ,> Subject: HP 970 Cxi printer bug???
>Hi ,
>Hi ,> Does anyone know why my Printer only works if i turn it on After i
>Hi ,> press the print button in Adpro????? (if i turn it on before or it is
>Hi ,> already on before i use Adpro or any other program to print from, all
>Hi ,> i get is : Please Check your Printer and cables.....Is this a bug in
>Hi ,> OS3.5 or am i doing something wrong??????
>Hi ,
>Hi , Well, join the crowd. I have the same printer and use TurboPrint latest
>Hi , version whateveritis. I get the same basic performance and have always
>Hi , thought it was a TP problem. What driver are you using. I print from
>Hi , excellence! and the first attempt just sits..... Turn the printer off
>Hi , and back on, print again and... zip! Prints like a charm. Have no idea
>Hi , who to point the finger at but I know I printed fine with other HP
>Hi , deskjets prior to "upgrading" to the HP 970. Anyone else?
>Hi ,
>Hi , Regards
>Hi ,
>Hi ,
>Hi , ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Hi , Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.
>Hi , Remember the good 'ol days
>Hi ,
>Hi , ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Hi ,
>Hi ,
>Hi ,


Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.
Remember the good 'ol days